Black Sabbath 45th Birthday Celebrations Announced

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Black Sabbath 45th Birthday Celebrations Announced


The album reached #8 in the UK album charts and #23 in the US Billboard charts. Performing the entire album live will be a one-off collaboration of Melbourne’s most respected original heavy rock exponents, brought together for the first time to form local super group, The Wizards.

Lead vocals will come from both Matt ‘Chappy’ Chapman (My Left Boot) and Jake Haugis (Dead City Ruins), while guitar duties will be shared by Neil Wilkinson (Redcoats) and Daniel Firth (My Left Boot). Jim Coelli from Sheriff and A Gazillion Angry Mexicans play bass and on drums is Liam ‘Cuff Norris’ Cuffley (Matt Sonic & The High Times, Grindhouse and My Left Boot).

In addition to the Black Sabbath album, The Wizards will also play an encore set of Black Sabbath favourites.