The critically acclaimed teaming of Melbourne comic Jason Chatfield and Chicago-based comic Ben Russell is back for the 2011 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and this time it’s better than ever. Jason Chatfield was dragged along by a Melbourne taxi in the city a week before the show is due to open, but it won’t stop him working it into the show to laugh in the face of the whole ordeal. Chatfield is also the writer and cartoonist for the iconic 90 year-old Australian comic strip, Ginger Meggs which appears in 34 countries, but don’t think that negates him from being, at his core, one of the biggest geeks in Melbourne. Ben and Jason have been performing their unique and clever brand of musical comedy in cities around Australia since 2007. This year, the show will be getting in touch with your inner nerd. That little poindexter lurking deep inside your subconscious, begging to get out. ManFace is (almost) more fun than being a level 70 Night Elf Warrior.
Ben Russell and Jason Chatfield perform ManFace at the Forum Theatre’s Carpet Room from April 2 – April 24. It’s at 9.45pm Tuesday – Sunday. Tickets are $10 – $18 and available through Ticketmaster online, 1300 660 013 and at the door.