Beau Heartbreaker

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Beau Heartbreaker


One woman, performing as one very endearing bloke. Written and performed by Selina Jenkins, the award winning character Beau Heartbreaker is back. Packed with hilarious tales of worldly adventures and brilliantly composed songs, this seasoned performers astonishing vocal ability and depth and sincerity as character Beau Heartbreaker is remarkably convincing. Oh, and he’s a bloody nice bloke too. After some significant time away from the stage, Selina Jenkins anticipated return as widely loved character Beau Heartbreaker will not go unnoticed. Beau may be returning with guitar in hand and the same intoxicating smile he’s always had, but his striking facial hair is not the only thing that’s changed and matured. It doesn’t take long for the intricacies of this character to emerge. The experiences and challenges he’s faced since we last shared a yarn with him have left their mark. Beau has grown into a man of real substance. Somebody you’d be proud to call your brother, son or friend. No small feat for a woman in a beard, but one this artist has worked tirelessly to achieve.

Venue: Lithuanian Club, 44 Errol St, CBD

Dates: September 20 – 27

Time: 10.15pm (Sunday 9.15pm)

Tickets: $15 – $20 via the Fringe.
