Beat’s Burgers of Melbourne: Burger Inc.

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Beat’s Burgers of Melbourne: Burger Inc.


When was Burger Inc. born? Burger Inc. was established in 2006. Locally owned and operated, it stands as the original burger spot of Geelong. 


Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard or all? Mustard.


Where does Burger Inc. turn to for inspiration? We believe the best meal is a burger, so we try to work with familiar flavours; for example, the chicken caesar burger.


What do you love about the Melbourne burger scene?  It’s almost as if every location has a buzzing burger spot. People are going crazy for a good burger and Melbourne’s got some of the best around. Each location is exclusively different from the last – whether it’s the interior, the ingredients or the service. 


According to Burger Inc. what makes the perfect burger? Our slogan is ‘Fresh Grill Skills’. Quality, fresh, locally sourced ingredients, cooked to order. 


Pickles, or no pickles? Pickles.


How do you tackle the challenge of competing in a food hub like Melbourne? We really try and stand out with our large variety. Our menu consists of over 30 options. We saw a lot of triple patties and deep fried add-ons, so we tried the opposite. We added options such as roasted capsicums, brie cheese and field mushrooms to opt for a cleaner, fresher gourmet burger and it works.  


The biggest burger sin is…No cheese.
