Barry Morgan’s World of Organs

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Barry Morgan’s World of Organs


Barry Morgan took to the organ the moment his mother Nancy introduced him to the instrument. Now he is travelling Australia bringing “organ joy” to the masses with his show Barry Morgan’s World of Organs.

“I just took to it like a fish to water. I just couldn’t stop playing the organ,” recounts Barry, “and then when I was a teenager, and as I know happens with lots of teenagers, I discovered the bossa nova rhythm and the one finger method. I was hooked.”

After years of holding the title of the “ultimate organ salesman” in Adelaide’s Sunnyside Mall, he decided to tour with his Hammond Aurora Classic organ giving, what he calls, “organ demonstrations”.

“[The audience’s ages] are from eight to 88, the broadest section of the community I have ever seen. I was down there in the Sunnyside Mall in my lovely organ emporium… it was frequented by the more senior members of our community, but since I’ve gone on Spicks And Specks, it’s really changed and now I’m making it groovy again!”

However for Barry this is more than a show. Instead, Barry prefers to view it more as a demonstration or even a bit of a live infomercial both for himself and the other shops in the Sunnyside Mall, especially Martin’s Menswear who provide him with his trademark khaki safari suit.

“Basically, I’m trying to sell my organs! If I can’t make a sale… I’d probably work on getting some home deals to do a home demo, because that’s where you really get to close on a sale, once I get into the privacy and the comfort of your lounge room.”

While Barry’s show consists of his original compositions and sale pitches, he seems most proud about demonstrating his “one finger method” to his adoring public.

“Using the easy play features, which is the one finger method button on the Aurora … away we go … making beautiful music together,” he exclaims excitedly, “I can have you playing my organ like a seasoned pro in five minutes!”

In fact, Barry is so committed to the cause of spreading his revolutionary organ-playing method he has developed a free iPhone app which is “sharing the joy of the organ to an international audience… and in time to come I will be able to fully develop a one finger method lesson on the iPhone… so you can take Barry home with you.”

That’s not the only project that Barry’s currently working on. While he is yet to sign on the dotted line, Barry is developing an album of “serious organ music” that it will feature his favourite Aurora Classic as well as some possible tracks on the Lowrey Teenie Genie.

On top of all that, as soon as Barry can ship his Toyota Crown Royal Saloon overseas he would like to tour some international venues.

“We’ve had some interest from Germany because they’re into organs… and obviously across America and Europe. Who knows? We’ll probably end up at the Edinburgh Festival very soon, maybe next year I’m thinking.”

As an organ enthusiast, Barry does worry about the people who believe that the instrument is outdated or old fashioned.

“I do feel sorry for them because they obviously sound like people who need a little more organ in their lives … but there’s something for everyone at Barry Morgan’s World of Organs show.”


Barry Morgan performs Barry Morgan’s World Of Organs at Trades Hall’s Meeting Room from March 31 to April 24. It’s at 7.15pm Tuesday – Saturday and 6.15pm on Sundays. Tickets are $20 – $28 and available through Ticketmaster online, 1300 660 013 and at the door.