Aunty Donna @ The Roxanne

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Aunty Donna @ The Roxanne


As crude an expression as it is, Aunty Donna’s New Show is balls-to-the-wall action. Broden Kelly, Zachary Ruane and Mark Samual Bonanno are in exceptionally form here, their hilarious part-singing, part-dancing, sketch-based hyper-mischief something to behold.

To see this show is to be swept up in a blizzard of ridiculousness. It’s not difficult to imagine the three lovably juvenile jesters engaging in some crazed pre-show ritual, chugging litres of red cordial, such is the excess of energy they bring to the stage. Indeed, they help themselves mid-show to refreshments. Their antics are instantaneous, too, a fresh (and especially meta) introductory number the first highlight. From there, Aunty Donna gleefully dart from one fantastical idea to the next. Their lip-sync segment is particularly memorable, while a bit that revolves around Shakespeare for troubled teens is classic Aunty Donna. Meanwhile, this show features the silliest, most childish thing you’re likely to see this festival. You’ll be holding your sides regardless, of course.

New Show plays out like a refined follow-up to their 2015 offering. Gone are the Bubble Bath Boys and, with them, any flimsy adherence to narrative. The lads just want to have fun – and, as such,  what’s left is a smorgasbord of free-flowing sketch comedy, with an added emphasis upon audience participation. As a general rule, shorter tends to be sweeter, the trio at their very best when they’re sharp – that is, to the point.
If there’s anything that may detract from the quality of the show, it’s an over-reliance on misdirection. Aunty Donna love to lead the audience before dashing their expectations. It’s effective and they do it extremely well, though the approach becomes familiar after a while. Still, there’s one important saving grace: regardless of what they’re doing, it is a joy to watch Aunty Donna work. Even more enjoyable is watching them flex their improv skills and watching the cracks – and crack-ups – appear.

Based on this new hour and the masses of punters flocking to Roxanne nightly, Aunty Donna are on track to repeat the success of their 2015 season. It makes perfect sense, too: New Show is another shining example of the trio’s tickling and explosive creativity. Highly recommended.