ADAM: the well-famous nude pub for guys at Sircuit on Mondays is throwing a special Labour Day Party!
ADAM is not just a pub; it’s a unique, welcoming space where guys unwind, socialise, and forge new friendships while enjoying great music. And yes, it’s all in the buff!
Crafted to offer a relaxed atmosphere, ADAM invites you to embrace the freedom of socialising sans-clothes. Don’t miss this unique, liberating experience that defines queer Monday nights in Melbourne
With special guest DJ’s Andy Claüs of Popchops fame + the extraordinary Pseudo-ku.
Andy Claüs is one half DJ duo/event organiser team and POPCHOPS. You may know him from his neon-pink pop music events in Melbourne and Sydney, from spinning tunes everyone from Poof Doof to Emerson, or just from his iconic butt shots on Insta. On Monday, he’ll be going solo at ADAM’s Labour Day Party – spinning disco, house and of course slipping in a couple of cheeky pop bangers
Pseudo-ku is a queer techno DJ with a penchant for darker, more complex styles. Draws inspiration from German techno, minimal hypnotic and Japanese footwork sounds. Experimental methods keep things fresh for the heavy sweatbox culture of Melbourne’s underground. Currently performing regularly on Bonequest FM and across all the BUFF Events’ range of gigs
Happy hour 7.30 – 9pm
queer / nude / great beats
Last admission is 11pm
ADAM was created as a safe space for same sex attracted (‘queer’) men and those who identify within the masculine spectrum, including non-binary and gender-fluid individuals. Whilst other BUFF events are gender inclusive, respectfully and kindly, ADAM is designated a ‘male-only’ event