Rob Hunter – Late O’clock

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Rob Hunter – Late O’clock


Dave O’Neil deflected polished insults with aplomb and while he did play the fat card quite a few times – it was really funny, so who cares. Late O’Clock’s guest list is quite impressive and O’Neil delivered the goods to back up his impressive record. As Hunter put it “I’m talking about your career and not your physique when I say, you are literally everywhere”.

Clare Hooper was Dave’s second guest both in appearance on stage and in fluidity of banter. While she kicks it with the best on TV, in person she wasn’t able to deliver the laugh a minute fun that other comedians can. Jason English, the musical act and co-host, also lacked the rapid fire laughs but with his shiny teeth and polished demeanour he charmed the audience through slower moments and really delivered where it counted – getting the biggest laughs of the night. Check out his show Pop Rocketeer.

The concept is a winner and provides a delightful mix of laughs in a fresh format. While Hunter himself teeters on the edge of drainer pessimism, his likably boyish clumsiness keep him on the right side of negative nelly-ville. This is a roast of comedians at its finest and it is and an enjoyably bitter experience.
