The Count With… Witch Hats

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The Count With… Witch Hats



Witch Hats

4 bands everyone should know about:

Gumbuya Park Incident, Ronnie and the Fucking Discounts, The Terry Thompson Zoo Experience, 50 Million Clowns

Nine food items that you need to make a kickarse dinner party:

MSG x 1, Mickey Rourke x 4, Desiree potatoes x 4

Five possessions that define you:

Greys Sports Almanac 1950-2000, Mark Chapman’s signed Double Fantasy, Madeleine Mccann, Morgan Freeman’s pride, Mary’s Inlet

Four bad habits you can’t escape:

Donating money to the IRA, Rolling Stones – Black & Blue, Thai kidney collecting, damaging asbestos walls

Six people who inspire you:

Terry Towling, Caroline Springs, Fitzy’s City CafĂ©, burnt couch man, burnt kid from Hey Dad, John ‘Baby’ Burgess

When’s the gig / release?

Pleasure Syndrome is the second full length Witch Hats album. It’s our first release since 2009’s mini album Solarium Down the Causeway and we’re very happy with our creation which we recorded at Headgap in Preston over a week back in March this year with Casey Rice. Pleasure Syndrome is out now on Vinyl/CD/MP3 on Long Time Listener. Album launch at the Northcote Social Club this Saturday October 29.