60 Seconds With The Transatlantics

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60 Seconds With The Transatlantics


“I’m Tara Lynch and I’m the vocalist.”

So then, what’s your name and what you ‘do’ in the band?


"I’m Tara Lynch and I’m the vocalist."

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?


"We are told like we sound like a lot of bands and musician but our aim is to replicate the sound of classic soul labels such as Stax, Hi and Motown. Musically we are pretty influenced by the James Brown-era of funk and the soul revues of the late ’60s and early ’70s. We are a ten-piece band, so there’s always something really exciting and dynamic about listening to so many people playing music they love. I like to think this translates in our live shows."

What do you love about making music?

"I love that anything is possible. I’m surrounded by the most amazing musicians who happen to be my friends and when making music, I feel that we can do anything because the musicians provide such a solid foundation. It’s scary on stage if you can’t trust who you are playing with. I love that I feel like as a band we can go anywhere musically and it’s exciting because we are trust each other’s abilities. I think this kind of excitement really translates with audiences too, they know that something special happens on stage and that’s fun to watch."

What do you hate about the music industry?

"I’m still pretty hopeful when it comes to the music industry. There are a bunch of amazing modern soul/funk artists who have broken in to the mainstream; Sharon Jones And The Dap Kings for example. I don’t think I’m jaded enough to hate anything about the music industry, but I have to say it’s frustrating to turn on the radio and be pummeled by bland and poorly produced music."

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?


"I don’t think I would necessarily want to show our stuff off to a musical hero but there are definitely a bunch of inspiring artists who I would love to travel back in time and learn from. We were lucky enough to play with legendary soul musician Eddie Bo in late 2007. Sadly he passed away in 2009, but sharing a stage with him was the most amazing experience for the band. We learnt more about ourselves as musicians in one night than we had in our entire existence and that gig has been a constant source of inspiration ever since. So, I guess if I could travel back in time and experience something like that with one of my ‘musical heroes’ it would be someone like Marvin Gaye or Diana Ross and The Supremes."

If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?


"It’s difficult to say. There is a lot of terrible music out there that’s for sure but I guess there is something for everyone. What I hate about popular music is the lack of that human element. When I listen to Otis Redding do Try A Little Tenderness there is something really raw and human about it. Then again, there are amazing artists out there still making music that has that special element to it, they just aren’t getting played on popular radio. I don’t know if I would assassinate those artists who don’t make me feel anything, but I could do without their music on mainstream radio!"

What can a punter expect from your live show?


"Punters can expect a high energy, dynamic live show and original music which evokes they rhythmic grunt and grainy warmth of classic late ’60s Southern American soul."

What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?

"We released our debut album on Freestyle Records in mid 2010 and are hoping to have the follow up out late this year."

When’s the gig and with who?


"The Transatlantics are playing Revolver on Saturday February 12 and the St Kilda Festival on the O’Donnell Gardens stage on Sunday February 13."