60 Seconds With… Grande Flash Vs. AlithiA

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60 Seconds With… Grande Flash Vs. AlithiA


So then, what’s the band name and what do you ‘do’ in the band?
GF: Grande Flash. We started from ‘Chico Flash’, and invited musos that we like combining drums, bass, guitar, violin, sax & flute!
A: I’m the video guitarist from AlithiA. I cue & mix live video using a custom made guitar and software.

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?
GF:  According to the zeitgeist, we sound like an amalgamation of the Top 5 songs from the latest Hottest 100.
A: People say we sound like being on acid.

What do you love about making music?
GF: It’s fun. It can take you places, sometimes not very nice places, like Frankston. I don’t believe in the mysticism of energy passing through you, but I do believe that Iggy Pop is some sort of seraphim.
A: Projecting visual ideas and feelings to music. 

What do you hate about the music industry?
GF: Nothing. It’s in a very interesting state of flux at the moment.
A: Record companies suing poor teenagers for downloading music.

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?
GF: I’d show a Triceratops what we do. Maybe get a T-rex on congas.  
A: Andy Warhol. He was so into video, film and computers. 

If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why? 
GF: I don’t want to kill anyone, but I’d ask Nova’s programming director why they play the same 10 songs all day, every day.
A: I wouldn’t assassinate anyone. I’d just turn off the radio.

What can a punter expect from your live show?
GF: Some very talented musicians displaying their craft, and me giggling behind them with my wahwah pedal.
A: Epic ethereal space anthems from our blood, sweat and sacrifice.

What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?
GF: Nothing yet, but on YouTube there’s a clip that’s different to what we do.
A: Two EPs A Realm O Null and The Rising.

When’s the gig and with who?
Thursday February 9 at the Workers Club with Grande Flash, AlithiA, Vultures of Venus, and National Airlines.

Anything else to add?
GF: If you have a friend who’s a musician, support them. They’re only trying to make this world a better place.
A: 2012 AlithiA Europe tour.