60 Seconds With… Eyreton Hall

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60 Seconds With… Eyreton Hall


How did you two start playing together?

We met at The Sydney Conservatorium where we were both studying the folk sub genre that we all know and love – jazz. We just kinda fell into playing our music together and it seemed to work.

You’re coming all the way from New Zealand to play a couple of shows in Melbourne, what are you most excited about?

It doesn’t feel all that far to us, and Melbourne will always be our second home having lived there for so long. The thing we’re the most excited about is to be able to finally show people what we’ve been working on instead of just talking about it.  

What’s been the most rewarding thing about having recorded your debut album?

I found a list last week of ‘hopes and dreams’ for the future (I love lists) that we’d written back in 2010 and among the many things on it were, to write again, to feel inspired, to record again and to finish an album – so to be able to tick those things off and feel as though we had achieved them all was kinda nice.

What else will you be doing while you’re here?

We have loads of family and friends here so we will be running around like crazies trying to make sure we see everyone and no doubt getting into the spirit of the festive season with the usual excesses and indulgences.

EYRETON HALL will be launching their debut album Featherstitch at The Wesley Anne in Northcote on Thursday December 11 and Sooki Lounge in Belgrave on Saturday December 13.