60 Seconds With… DJ Nathaniel

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60 Seconds With… DJ Nathaniel


Define your genre in five words or less:

R&B, groove, sex, heart, attitude.


If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

Michael Jackson – it would be incredible to draw on his experience, passion, creativity and fine attention to detail (but of course, I’m a fan – my 21st birthday was MJ-themed).


If someone made a movie about your life, who would play you?

Jake Gyllenhaal – he’s got a cool swagger and grows a mean beard.


If you could go on tour with any musician or band, who would it be?

As well being a DJ/producer, I’m also a lifelong drummer and would enjoy touring with Miguel, I like his fresh approach to fusing different music styles; Bruno Mars, I admire his diverse instrumental and writing talent, plus his band seem to have a blast performing; Stevie Wonder, It would be an honour to play with a living legend; Usher, his work ethic, drive and passion are relentless and would be a great influence; Justin Timberlake, I’ve grown up with his music, and his concerts to date have been a terrific experience and The Eagles, they were the first act I saw in concert, and I’ve always wanted to tour with them since. I respect their vast catalogue and admire their strong musicality, harmony and longevity.


What part of making music excites you the most?

Building on a simple idea and creating sounds from the ground-up. It’s always a thrill when an audience reacts exactly how you envisage, while making a remix and/or original track – big screams are what every passionate DJ and musician live for…even if they don’t admit it.


When’s the gig and with who?

You can catch me at Fabulous Fridays (at Co.) and Suparfly Sundays (Fusion) with Restless Entertainment every week at Crown – playing the best in commercial R&B and old school classics.