60 Seconds With…Chicks, Picks ‘n’ Sticks

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60 Seconds With…Chicks, Picks ‘n’ Sticks


What’s Chicks, Picks ‘n’ Sticks all about? 

Giving women opportunities and a place to network and meet other women and male advocates. It provides a safe place for women to talk openly about their experiences of sexism in the rock world and be supported by like minded people, where previously they may have been isolated and silenced.

You’re about to launch your first event. How will the night work to promote your group’s ethos?

All acts have at least one female member, giving them all a performance opportunity. All acts have been encouraged to talk about their experiences. We’re hoping that by speaking out, women who’ve been silenced by fear can find support and healing.

 What specific inequalities are women forced to face in the rock industry?

One big obstacle is the ingrained sexism. Rock is a party made ideological by the ‘80s LA Sunset Strip bands where women were the playthings of men. Female performers are reduced to objects to admire, compliments end in ‘for a girl’. There’s an assumption that as women, we can’t do our jobs as well as men.

What steps can we take to curb this?

We need to speak up and those around need to listen. We need to offer support. Tell that person you don’t like the way they’re talking or acting. We’re all people, no matter if we are on the stage or in the audience.