60 Second With… Vowel Movement

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60 Second With… Vowel Movement


So, who are we speaking with and what do you do in Vowel Movement?

My name is Jack, I sing and banter.

Interesting band name. How’d you land on that?

I was originally keen on naming the band Bowel Movement. My friends told me that it was an awful idea and one of them mentioned Vowel Movement as an alternative. Now we live with the consequences of a bad pun.

Which film or novel would best represent your sound?

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. Short, silly, to the point and lots of fun!

You’ve secured a residency at the Grace Darling Hotel, headlining every Thursday of this month. Why should we check it out?

‘Cause it is the best place to get your fill of inane and awkward banter and general silly/happy vibes.

VOWEL MOVEMENT are playing at The Grace Darling Hotel this Thursday May 21 and next Thursday May 28.