60 Second With… Tubular Bells For Two

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60 Second With… Tubular Bells For Two


Hi! Who are we speaking with and what’s the deal with Tubular Bells For Two?

We are Aidan Roberts (Lanie Lane, Belles Will Ring) and Daniel Holdsworth (The Saturns). One night we had a few drinks and thought it’d be a laugh to fill the house with loads of instruments and try to play note-for-note Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells – that album that was used as the soundtrack to The Exorcist. Somehow, from that idea, it spawned into a full-blown theatrical show.

Tell us how you recreate the iconic Tubular Bells in your show.

This show is about much more than just recreating the music. It’s about seeing if two guys can actually pull off such a physical challenge. The task is almost impossible – there’s over 20 instruments on stage and at times we have to be able to play two or three at a time. It could fall apart at any moment.

Describe your production in eight words.

One album, two men, too many instruments.

So… why should we come and see Tubular Bells For Two at the Darebin Arts Centre on Friday May 8 and Saturday May 9?

It doesn’t matter if you know the album or not. This is just a unique, exhilarating performance for all ages to enjoy. We just won a string of awards at the Adelaide Fringe, including Best Music, so we must be doing something right.