60 Second With… The Vendettas

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60 Second With… The Vendettas


What’s your name then? Oh. And the name of your band…

I’m Stevie and the band is The Vendettas.


And what do you do?

We organise a group of similar sounding chord patterns with a melodic lyrical accompaniment for roughly 3 and a half minutes. Repeated ten times per gig, pausing only for beer.

When did you start doing that?

2191.45 days and counting… (or about six years now).

Why did you start doing that?

Because John Lithgow told us that rock music was forbidden in our town.

Do you think you’re good at doing that?

No complaints.

If you weren’t doing that, what would you be doing?

An Uber driver, a body builder, a soccer coach, a record store owner and a flamenco dancer, respectively.

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

Playing awesome shows with awesome bands to awesome crowds.

And what makes you unhappiest about what you’re doing?

Having to go home after a show.

What’s your proudest moment of doing what you do?

Recording our second album Bystander and Destroyer last year was very pride worthy.

And your least proud?

Unfortunately we can’t comment until the trial concludes next month.

THE VENDETTAS play Yah Yah’s on Saturday July 25 with Two Headed Dog and A Gazillion Angry Mexicans. Bystander and Destroyer is available now via Bandcamp.