60 Second With… No Sister

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60 Second With… No Sister


Define your genre in five words or less:

Guitar, guitar, bass guitar, drum.

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?

They’ll say we sound like 90s alt-rock bands and Sonic Youth. 

What do you hate about the music industry?

A lot of the time there’s too much BS and not enough shows and sometimes people can be far too conservative for a creative industry. 

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

Lou Reed, because as Jonathan Richman said, “How in the world were [Velvet Underground] making that sound?”

What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

Trying to replicate Greg Sage’s [Wipers] stage presence.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

It really depends on what ‘succeeding’ is and what you’re after. I guess it comes down to being realistic with your expectations.

Describe the worst gig you have ever played:

Having band members quit mid set. 

How difficult has it been moving from QLD to Melbourne and how have you fit in with the locals?

Tiarney and Mino moved to Melbourne and tee’d up with Jack and Murray as they were already down here. Melbourne is nice and the people are also pretty nice, except for this one guy.

NO SISTER are playing this Sunday May 17 at the John Curtin Hotel front bar, joined by Hooper Crescent and Chores.