Art After Dark

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Art After Dark


When the sun goes down, the fun begins. The Night Art Market in Moorabbin promises to provide loads of entertainment and present ideas.

If you’re like me and like to leave your Chrissie present shopping to the last minute, you’ll know how painful those trips to shopping centres can be during those last few moments.

Never again, you say? Then come on down to the City of Kingston‘s Night Art Market on Saturday December 4.

There’ll be loads of stalls selling arts and craft, jewellery and more jewellery, stationary, fashion goods, photo art and other colourful collectables.

And, in order to make this experience even more enjoyable than Christmas itself, the Night Art Market will also be providing food and wine (yes please!) and free live entertainment.

If you’re an Arty person, you can also come on board and have a stall at the market for FREE. There’s already 80 registrated stores so far.

 So come see what all the fuss is about.

The City of Kingston’s Night Art Market will be at Kingston Art Centre

on Saturday 4 December from 4pm to 10pm.

Free Entry.